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Rewriting The Codes Of Your Life: Are You Teachable?

Last night was yet another night I would stay up until my battery ran out, still working on a website I'm soon to launch. I've had to get my hand a bit dirty with some codes, even though I'm working with WordPress.

I won't pretend to be a guru Web designer. Let me confess: I ran away from Web design back in school. But now I've had to face it. So I take the easier route, which is using WordPress Themes and Plugins, and tweaking them to suit what I want to achieve.

I will get a bit technical here, I hope you understand. Each theme comes ready made, and that means it has been styled in a particular way, including font sizes, background colours, responsive behaviours, etc. There is something called the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file. It specifies all these formatting about the looks of the theme.

But while using the theme and creating new pages, you have options to include certain html codes right on each page. When executing, the codes you entered directly is able to overrule any conflicting instruction from the previous formatting on the original theme file.

As a matter of fact, if you can locate the CSS file and enter a code at the bottom of it, it will overrule any conflicting code which precedes it.

Our lives seem a lot like the themes. We emerge as personalities built over time by the sum total of our experiences and exposures, especially just before we "give our life to Christ." We each have our default characters and attitudes, a lot of which has to change if we must fit the Master's will and use.

The question is: Have we programmed our mind to allow new instructions and settings to overrule our old ideologies and perceptions? When you say things like, "This is who I am," "This is how we behave in my family," "I was born like this," "I've been like this from childhood," etc. do you really know what you are implying?

Some of us are so rigid and pride on some inherited traits. Some claim they were born with certain inclinations and tendencies. All we mean when we say that is that we cannot help but continue in particular way some circumstances must have shaped us. But that's a big lie. We, by ourselves, can even rewrite the codes of our lives. But first, we must be TEACHABLE. Being teachable is having that disposition that allows new ideas to overwrite outdated ones; not holding on to same old same old things all the time. Being teachable is allowing new codes to overrule old ones just to suit the need of the user, like the way it works with web design.

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